Saturday, June 29, 2013


Over Father's day weekend Nate's mom and sisters came over to Albuquerque to see what this place is all about. We ate good food and took the tram to the top of the mountain. There was a fire to the North and South of us so it was really smoky and we couldn't see a whole lot once we got to the top, but the view was still great! 

They only stayed for a short weekend, but it was sure good to have them here! We're already scoping out good restaurants for the next time they come.

Oh, and this thing came in the mail the other day. Only sort of a huge deal. Now he just needs to take the bar and this attorney business is real life!

Friday, June 7, 2013

A little bit about Albuquerque

So I guess since we have officially been here for a month I suppose I should let you all know what it's like around these parts.

1. The weather is AWESOME! We still haven't turned on the Air conditioner yet and it's JUNE. You guys. This is revolutionary.

2. They have sideways streetlights. It's weird.

3. They have the goofiest speed limits. Some road are 40 mph, others are 18, 60, or 55. I probably find this odd because I grew up in Mesa where every street is 45 mph, but still. It's tricky.

4. Hot air balloons. So I gave you a sneak peak last post, but you guys! They fly hot air balloons here all the time! I don't know why, but it's kinda my favorite thing to look out the window and see dozens of balloons in the air.

5. The mountain. So there is this mountain to the East (just like in Provo... thank goodness, because it took me 3 years to learn my North, West, East, Souths there) And it is beautiful!! I think they are called the Sandia mountains and I can't wait to explore the heck out of them.

6. The Rio Grande. So we live about 2 miles away from the river and it's the best. It's the best because everything by the river is so green and there are the biggest trees! Don't worry, we already found our future property right by the river with a great view of the mountain. It just needs some grass and some horses
A girl can dream, right?

Anyway, so far so good here in the querq's! We are loving it and having fun exploring. Also, come visit! Albuquerque is the place to be I hear...

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

We made it to the querq's!

I know! It's been forever. And it's not even like I don't have time to update this blog or anything. So no excuses for the lack of posting from me. But it's time for a little catch up. Instead of a lengthy post I'ma just satisfy the masses and post some pictures to give you a glimpse of what I've been up to.

please take note of the tiny tent. I know, it is easily missed.

we see hot air balloons outside our window on the regular. 

Not Pictured:
Me doing my online classes. For obvious reasons.
The annual girls trip
Nathan's Graduation (nbd)
And Rylee's Wedding

These are all posts in the making. Well, except my online classes. Those are so boring I might do something dramatic.

Well, here's to being a better blogger. I would understand if you have lost all faith in me this time.